Here you will find the most questions we already received.
How much does it cost to register at ?
It costs nothing to register at
How much does it cost to sell my car with ?
Sellers who list with us receive 100% of the selling price.
A standard listing is € 79,- Currently for FREE
See our page I want to sell for all possibilities we offer.
How do I know if you are interested in my car ?
Our passion and experience encompass cars of all types and eras, from pre-war vintage automobiles through to popular youngtimers and exclusive cars.
Visit the website and click ‘I want to sell‘ to be informed. Or hit the contact us button.
If you have an interesting car with realistic price expectations then we are likely to want to help!
Will you consign every car that is offered to jenden auctions ?
No, not every car will be consigned, but every car will be given equal consideration.
What is the process for consigning a car ?
Vehicles and automobilia are submitted for consideration by their owners and are subsequently reviewed and curated by an in-house team, with input from independent specialists.
What information do I need to provide to ?
When you submit a consignment for consideration, we will ask for key details about the car.
When we make a decision to consign a lot, our staff will contact you for more information about the cars history, current condition, specifications and ofcourse it unique selling points.
How much detail do you need about the car's history, appearance and mechanical condition ?
We aim to ensure our listings are the most accurate of any online auction platform available.
For this reason, tell us as much as possible about the car — even the less desirable parts of its history or appearance.
Do I need to provide photographs or will you visit the car ?
We ask that sellers send us a comprehensive set of photographs — ideally more than 60 images — and we tell you what to capture in our photography guide.
Next to the photo's we ask you to make a walk around video.
If you can’t do this, or choose not to, you can choose for our Premium Listing possibilitie. We then will come to you for a professional photoshoot.
Can I set a minimum selling price for the car ?
Sellers can request that the car is auctioned with a reserve. The value of any reserve is agreed in consultation with the team to ensure that it is realistic.
Please note that, at our own discretion, has the right to make up the difference between the highest bid and the reserve if the highest bid does not meet the reserve.
What happens once my auction listing is live ?
Once a car is open for bidding, any registered user can ask a question about it. Sellers should respond as soon as possible.
What happens if someone posts a negative comment about my car ?
Our moderators will allow people to add constructive opinions about a car, but if you believe any comment is inaccurate, please contact us.
Do I need to make the car available for viewings ?
Many of our buyers will be willing to purchase a car unseen, but others may request an inspection.
We therefore ask that sellers make cars available for viewings whenever possible.
To keep weekends clear for visits, our auctions never start or end on Saturday or Sunday.
Do I get to approve the auction listing about my car before it goes live ?
Every listing is presented to the seller for approval before it goes live.
It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that the listing is an accurate description of the car.
The proposed start date for the auction will be discussed at this point.
Can I bid on my own car ?
No, you are not allowed to bid on your own car, nor can you have a friend bid on your car on your behalf.
What happens at the end of the auction if the car sells ?
When a car sells successfully on the platform, a 5% premium is automatically invoiced to the highest bidder.
This is a fee for using the platform and not a downpayment on the car. The seller and buyer are then digitally ‘introduced’ to complete the transaction.
What happens if there are no bids above my reserve price ?
If the car fails to meet its reserve price, then the seller will be notified of the highest bid submitted during the auction.
The seller will then have 24 hours from the end of the auction to either accept or reject this bid. This 24-hour period can be extended by agreement between us and the bidder.
If there is no agreement to extend and the bidder is not notified of the acceptance of their final bid within 24 hours from the end of the auction, it will be deemed to be rejected.
When the bid is accepted by the seller, we will put the buyer in touch with the seller for the sale of the car.
Please note that, at our own discretion, has the right to make up the difference between the highest bid and the reserve if the highest bid does not meet the reserve.
What happens if the winning bidder has failed to pay me for the car ?
If you have any concerns about receipt of funds from a winning bidder, please contact us.
What is the best way to arrange payment for my car ?
A direct wire transfer from the buyer is advisable, but you should provide the buyer with your ownership documents prior.
Can I discuss a consignment with you without signing up ?
If you have a consignment to discuss, but you are not ready to sign up directlyt, please feel free to contact us.
Is the answer to your question not available, please do do not hesitate and send us your questions.